Make Google Penguin Friendly Sites: Hot Tips

Last month we saw that thousands of publishers suffered as a result of the updated Google Search Algorithm named Google Penguin. Many people have said that their traffic statistics halved after updating Google Penguin. Now webmasters and bloggers professionals trying to make this kind of update will not cut back their traffic.

Of course, the Google Penguin update removes a lot of spam sites, but it also removes some good websites. To protect yourself and your website to protect against this type of situation, I suggest you consider doing a number of things that make Google Penguin algorithm Love your sites.

It is not difficult to build Google Penguin Friendly websites; it is actually a very simple process. Here are some of the best ways to ensure that your site is Google Penguin Algorithm friendly.

Unique Content (Most Important):

I cannot emphasize this point; unique content is the first and foremost thing that every Google update looks into. Those who do not have unique content have suffered during the Google Penguin update and were unable to recover. They copied their content from other sources. It takes you just 15 or 20 minutes to write a good article, then why go for copied contents.
It is preferable to have a single quality article than copy thousands of articles from other blogs and websites. Each item that you copied from other blog or website looks like a coffin nail is added to your website.

No Text Link Advertisements:

Many people who have used Text Link Ads, they faced the penalty during the Google Penguin update. Text links are often mistreated and have become a source of bad advice which is incorrect to increase Page Rank of a website. There were a lot of spam sites which have Google Page Ranks up to 5 or 6 that have absolutely no unique content. After updating Google Penguin, such sites are rare, and those who survived will soon be eliminated.
So be careful about Text Link Advertisement.

Avoid Hidden Links:

What you see is what you get. This should be the motto that you should use when designing a website. You should never have hidden links; Google does not like this kind of links and counts them as some kind of scam.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing:

Make sure that when you write an article; to make your page indexed in Google search engine do not overload keywords. But the opposite happens when you do that, in a few days when the algorithm Penguin captures your site; the site is moved to the end of the results with other garbage, even if you get indexed.
A great article by itself will stand out and ran into the Google Search, Google Penguin is an expert and you do not have to worry about filling keywords to there.

Be Careful about Guest Posts:

When people guest post in your site, always check their site if it is spam or not. If you found that, refuse immediately, even if their article was really good. This is because, by connecting to these sites, you would put your site in danger.
So make sure you search for a good site before you link to them.

Update Regularly:

So these were some of the things I followed, even before the Google Penguin Update. I am proud to say that this blog saw an increase of Traffic by 200% after the Penguin Update, so Google seems to trust this site.
Google algorithm always searching for regularly updated blogs and websites. Google loves fresh content, he became addicted to. So make sure you fulfill it. And try at least one item of quality writing every day.

1 comment:

  1. Great article! Recently I have been hearing a lot about the Penguin Update because I have just started a career at a SEO company. So I have been trying to read any and everything I can find on it since it has such a huge impact on my work. This was very helpful, thank you for sharing it with us!
